10 Single Character Kanji With Cool Meanings 2
I have added a blog post about cool single character kanji the other day. However, I thought just 10 words are not enough, so let me introduce some more. If you haven’t checked the article, click the link below and check it out!
戦 (ikusa)
meaning: battle
剣 (tsurugi)
meaning: sword
If you know Japan very well, you might have heard of katana (刀). Tsurugi and katana are different.
Tsurugi (剣) refers to a Western sword that is double-edged and has a straight shape. On the other hand, Katana (刀) refers to a Japanese sword that is single-edged and has a curved shape. Katana (刀) is a cool kanji, too.
舞 (mai)
meaning: dance
It refers to dance slowly and gracefully. It is frequently used in girls’ names.
麗 (rei)
meaning: lovely/beautiful/graceful
It is rarely used alone, its common compound words are 綺麗 (beautiful), 華麗 (splendor).
It’s also popular in girls’ names.
魅 (mi)
meaning: fascination
It is rarely used alone as well as rei (麗). Its common compound words are 魅力 (fascination/charm), 魅惑 (captivation).
神 (kami)
meaning: God
鐡 (kurogane)
meaning: iron
This is the old-style kanji, we use 鉄 for iron these days.
Generally, it is rarely used but using old-style kanji tend to be cool.

I thought this kanji was likely to be used in manga and anime. As expected, I found it is used in the manga, “Peace maker 鐵”.
鎧 (yoroi)
meaning: armor
桜 (sakura)
meaning: Japanese cherry blossoms
It is a special flower for Japanese people and considered the national flower of Japan.
There are 2 different kanji (桜/櫻) and they have 2 differences.
First, the new-style kanji is “桜”, and the old-style kanji is “櫻”.
In addition, “桜” is a common-use kanji, and “櫻” is for the person’s name.
I often see both kanji used in names.
粋 (iki)
meaning: chic/stylish/smart
Iki is a Japanese aesthetical concept describing a sophisticated appearance and behavior.

Thank you for reading.
Did you find any kanji you like?