Analog Toy Clock for 1 Dollar at Daiso


Toy clock

How to use

Toy clock

Turn clock hands. Both long hand and hour hand are movable. The is a “1” between 1 o’clock and 2 o’clock. When the hour hand points there, it means it is 1 o’clock.

Someone said, her son got perfect on the time reading quiz, but he set the wrong time when he used the toy clock. It is important not only to read the clock but also to move the hands.

Let’s ask your child time-related questions. Here are some questions you can ask your child when you play with the toy clock.

  • Make 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock…etc.
  • What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
  • What time did you have breakfast?
  • What time did you have lunch?
  • What time do you go to bed?

Cautionary point

Here are cautionary points of the toy clock. They are also written on the backside of the package in Japanese and English.

  • It is suitable for ages 3 and up because it contains small parts. 
  • Use it under parental or guardian supervision.
  • Do not use the product if it becomes damaged or deformed.
  • Keep away from fire and other sources of heat.
  • Use only for the intended purpose.


Toy clock in package

It is 100 yen (110 yen with tax). It is roughly 1 US dollar.
Yes, it is tacky. But it’s still enough to learn time. Your child won’t feel guilty even if it gets broken.

Where you can buy it?

You can find it at Daiso. Daiso is everywhere in Japan. Click the link below for a store search.

Toy aisle

I found the toy in the toy aisle. Toys are called おもちゃ (omocha) or in kanji, 玩具 in Japanese. Try to find the signboard.

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